Pop Up Mobile Coffee Cart Business Package


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Costing Analysis for Milk Tea

Business computation for milktea
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
Enter the price per 1pack kg of powdered flavor
Select which one
How many grms per serving. General conversion 1scoop=10-12grms
Fill-up this part if you used multiple powdered flavors in your recipe.
Enter the price of the secondary powder
Enter the best option
How many grms per serving. General conversion 1scoop=10-12grms
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
Price of Non Dairy Creamer per kg
Grams per serving of Non Dairy Creamer
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
Current price of the flavored syrup you used. If any.
Number of ML of syrup you use in your recipe
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
Current price of the tea leaves
Number of ML of tea per serving
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
If you use additional sugar syrup as sweetener kindly indicate the price
Number of ML
Leave this part blank if you do not use this ingredient on your recipe.
How much is the estimated cost of sinkers that you are using for your recipe?
Estimated additional cost (cups, plastics, straw, etc)
This is the total cost of your product
This is the total cost of your product + 10% loss allowance
How many percent is your target profit margin?
How many number of cups sold per day?
This is your estimated profit per day
How much is your staff's monthly salary?
How much is your space monthly rent?
Electricity, water, other expenses not listed above
How much is your capital to start the business?
How long can you recover your capital investment



The Pop Up Mobile Coffee Cart Business Package offers a comprehensive setup for businesses seeking a flexible and portable coffee solution. With high-quality ingredients and equipment, it caters to entrepreneurs aiming to launch coffee carts, event stalls, or small-scale café operations. This package ensures versatility in menu offerings while maintaining consistency in taste and presentation.

This package includes a selection of premium coffee beans, seven specialty syrups, three coffee powders, and five powder flavors. Complemented by essential tools such as a grinder, frothing pitcher, and cups, it simplifies operations and enhances workflow efficiency.

Designed to accommodate various coffee concepts, the package features tools and accessories tailored for both high-volume service and artisanal beverage preparation. The optional blender add-on provides additional flexibility for creating frappes and smoothies.

Coffee remains a cornerstone of the beverage industry, with mobile coffee carts gaining popularity due to their convenience and adaptability. This package supports these trends by offering a complete suite of ingredients and equipment to meet consumer preferences for specialty coffee drinks.

This package is ideal for entrepreneurs launching mobile coffee businesses, café carts, and event kiosks. It suits pop-up concepts, bazaars, and catering businesses seeking to diversify their offerings with high-quality coffee beverages.

The Pop Up Mobile Coffee Cart Business Package delivers quality, innovation, and reliability for coffee entrepreneurs. With expertly crafted ingredients and durable tools, this package positions businesses for success in a competitive market. Choose TOP Creamery for trusted solutions that inspire and support your vision.


TOP Creamery’s Coffee Business Packages are tailored for businesses of all sizes, offering carefully selected ingredients and professional-grade tools. Designed to simplify operations and enhance menu quality, these packages empower entrepreneurs to meet customer demands with confidence.

The brand’s dedication to innovation and excellence is evident in its range of syrups, powders, and coffee solutions. These packages support diverse applications, from artisanal manual brews to high-volume frappe production, ensuring consistency and superior taste.

With a commitment to craftsmanship and reliability, TOP Creamery stands out as a trusted partner for businesses in the food and beverage industry. From mobile coffee carts to established cafés, the brand delivers comprehensive solutions that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

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